Olde English Babydoll Southdown Lambs!

Well, on to a new adventure here on the farm! It always seems like something. I have a ton of ideas in my head. I am for sure an over thinker and planner. I’m not very spontaneous and end up planning, doing research, pinning on Pinterst and reading a bunch before I jump in to a project.

After the death of our baby lamb I knew I wanted to get more. I decided after plenty of research that the Olde English Babydoll Southdown’s were the ones I wanted. They are a small/miniature like sheep that only get about 24 inches tall. With being smaller they do not try to push fence, are easier to handle and make great sheep for petting zoo’s- if that’s what you are after. They are also in my opinion!! The cutest sheep ever and are known for looking like they are smiling!! They are a wool sheep and their fiber is in the same class of cashmere. With that being said- hoping we can eventually add some fiber products to the farm to sell. Hoping to learn the art of spinning, and hand dying fiber so that I can sell some skeins and give fiber gifts that came straight from my own farm! 

Deciding on the breed I wanted to add to the farm was the easy part. It was finding a registered breeder of these cute little fuzzy faces! I was in contact I believe with every single registered breeder in the province (as well as some from other provinces). I decided I would start out with a couple Olde English Babydoll Southdown Sheep and if I enjoy them as much as I hope. Will possibly add some more next year and then also become a registered breeder. 


Having not been brought up on a farm, this is a new adventure and I am always learning. Mistakes have and will be made again. But hoping this will be an amazing adventure and something my kids can look back on, and say how much they learnt and loved their childhood memories. I am grateful for what God has given me, as well as for the life I live. I have for sure had my fair share of heartaches and grief but I am trying to move on from those and think positive about my future. The farm is where I was meant and destined to be. I couldn’t be more happier than where I am today. 

Blessings to all! And I hope you all find what makes you happy and be grateful for the life you are given! Always growing.   ❤️